The difference is obvious while dealing with big dataset. Below is an example SQL query for retrieving all connections among users in selected distance:
with recursive cluster (party, path, depth)
as (
select cast(@userId as character varying), cast(@userId as character varying), 1
select (case
when = amc.userA then amc.userB
when = amc.userB then amc.userA
end), (this.path || '.' || (case
when = amc.userA then amc.userB
when = amc.userB then amc.userA
end)), this.depth + 1
from cluster this, chat amc
where (( = amc.userA and position(amc.userB in this.path) = 0)
or ( = amc.userB and position(amc.userA in this.path) = 0)) AND this.depth < @depth + 1
select party, path
from cluster
where not exists (
select *
from cluster c2
where =
and (
char_length(cluster.path) > char_length(c2.path)
or (char_length(cluster.path) = char_length(c2.path)) and (cluster.path > c2.path)
order by party, path;
Running such query on database with several million users and connections takes very long time (talking in hours on proprietary PC).
Below is the Cypher query for neo4j database which counts all friends of friends (equivalent to above one in case of depth = 2)
neo4j-sh (0)$ start b = node:User(UserId='9F56478E6CAFB9CFF8C720C5DFC392C49495C582') MATCH (b) --(friend)--(friendoffriend) RETURN count(friendoffriend)
==> +-----------------------+
==> | count(friendoffriend) |
==> +-----------------------+
==> | 131457 |
==> +-----------------------+
==> 1 row, 635 ms
The advantage in performance and simplicity is obvious.
Running queries in neo4j console
Below are some more example Cypher queries for working with graphs. you can try out these and other on simple example network on this website.
Graph Screenshot from neo4j Console |
Find Neighbors
start a=node(*)
match (a)-->(b)
return a, b;
| a | b |
| Node[0]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[2]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[3]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[4]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[5]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[6]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[7]{} |
| Node[3]{} | Node[4]{} |
| Node[5]{} | Node[6]{} |
9 rows
0 ms
Find Mutual Connections
start a=node(*), b=node(*)
match (a)--(x)--(b)
return a, b, x
| a | b | x |
| Node[0]{} | Node[2]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[0]{} | Node[3]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[0]{} | Node[4]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[0]{} | Node[5]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[3]{} | Node[4]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[4]{} | Node[3]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[6]{} | Node[2]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[6]{} | Node[5]{} |
| Node[1]{} | Node[7]{} | Node[2]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[0]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[3]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[4]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[5]{} | Node[6]{} |
| Node[2]{} | Node[5]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[3]{} | Node[0]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[3]{} | Node[1]{} | Node[4]{} |
| Node[3]{} | Node[2]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[3]{} | Node[4]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[3]{} | Node[5]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[4]{} | Node[0]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[4]{} | Node[1]{} | Node[3]{} |
| Node[4]{} | Node[2]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[4]{} | Node[3]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[4]{} | Node[5]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[5]{} | Node[0]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[5]{} | Node[2]{} | Node[6]{} |
| Node[5]{} | Node[2]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[5]{} | Node[3]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[5]{} | Node[4]{} | Node[1]{} |
| Node[6]{} | Node[1]{} | Node[2]{} |
| Node[6]{} | Node[1]{} | Node[5]{} |
| Node[6]{} | Node[7]{} | Node[2]{} |
| Node[7]{} | Node[1]{} | Node[2]{} |
| Node[7]{} | Node[6]{} | Node[2]{} |
34 rows
0 ms
Count Mutual Connections
start a=node(*), b=node(*)
match (a)--(x)--(b)
where id(a) < id(b)
return a, b, count(distinct x)
| a | b | count(distinct x) |
| Node[0]{} | Node[5]{} | 1 |
| Node[2]{} | Node[5]{} | 2 |
| Node[3]{} | Node[4]{} | 1 |
| Node[6]{} | Node[7]{} | 1 |
| Node[1]{} | Node[4]{} | 1 |
| Node[0]{} | Node[3]{} | 1 |
| Node[4]{} | Node[5]{} | 1 |
| Node[1]{} | Node[6]{} | 2 |
| Node[0]{} | Node[4]{} | 1 |
| Node[1]{} | Node[7]{} | 1 |
| Node[0]{} | Node[2]{} | 1 |
| Node[1]{} | Node[3]{} | 1 |
| Node[2]{} | Node[3]{} | 1 |
| Node[2]{} | Node[4]{} | 1 |
| Node[3]{} | Node[5]{} | 1 |
15 rows
0 ms
Calculate Clustering Coefficient
start a = node(1)
match (a)--(b)
with a, b as neighbours
match (a)--()-[r]-()--(a)
where id(a) <> id(neighbours) and id(neighbours) <> 0
return count(distinct neighbours), count(distinct r)
| count(distinct neighbours) | count(distinct r) |
| 4 | 1 |
1 row
0 ms
The clustering coefficient of a selected node is defined as probability that two randomly selected neighbors are connected to each other. So once having number of neighbors and number of mutual connections we can calculate:
1. The number of possible connections between two neighbors = n!/(2!(n-2)!) = 4!/(2!(4-2)!) = 24/4 = 6
where n is the number of neighbors n = 4
and the actual number of connections is 1,
therefore the clustering coefficient of node 1 is 1/6
Cypher Query Language
Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World By David Easley and Jon Kleinberg
Cool post Niko!
ReplyDeleteSome comments:
I think you could omit "id(a) <> id(neighbours)" as these are bound to different variables and thus will not be the same.
Also, you probably can do the cluster coefficient calculation directly in the query as a last WITH part before returning (you can chain these). WDYT?
Also, if you provide a real setup in your console link (look at to set up a graph) I would be thrilled to take this example into the Cypher Cookbook ?
Thanks Peter!
ReplyDeleteThe example network can be found here:
I just started out with Cypher and haven't found the way to calculate factorial with it. In the following days I will try to play with query optimization.
Hey Niko, this is really cool stuff! I'm mostly interested in the first example -- which DB is it you're using there? I'm experimenting a bit with SQL vs Cypher using HSQLDB, the code is over here: and the result will end up in the Neo4j Manual some day (it's mostly me and Peter working on that).
ReplyDeleteHi Anders,
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning I used Microsoft SQL and then switched to postgres.
To execute the queries in relational databases it took a long time (for example retrieving friends of friends of friends took at least half an hour on database with 40.000.000 connections)
The other problem is the complexity of queries - with neo4j and Cypher it is much easier as you can just "draw" the pattern you would like to extract from database.